The DLG (German Agricultural Society) has announced the winners of the EuroTier 2024 Innovation Award. All exhibiting companies at EuroTier have been eligible to enter their innovations for the EuroTier Innovation Award. This year, 255 innovations were submitted, and, following evaluation, 214 fulfilled the criteria to be included on the EuroTier innovation list.
Among the 4 gold and 21 silver medals awarded are the following product innovations in the pig sector:
Silver medals:
FlexiPigFloor - ASBO B.V.
The FlexiPigFloor system from ASBO enables the simple, durable, quick and inexpensive repair and needs-based adaptation of existing slatted concrete floors to changed slot width, slot ratio and surface design specifications.
The EXON Dual and EXON Mini high-pressure lance systems transfer the resulting forces to an exoskeleton and thereby significantly relieve the user during strenuous cleaning work with a high-pressure cleaner.
ATX® heat conducting function for suckling pig nests - ATX Suisse GmbH
The ATX heat conducting function for suckling pig nests enables the livestock owner to ensure that the new-born piglets are guided into the warm piglet nest very easily and very quickly in piglet pens for free farrowing.
HyCare Digital - MS Schippers
HyCare Digital from MS Schippers combines tried-and-tested methods of rodent deterrence with a digital success and reporting structure, and therefore enables targeted, documented rodent management without placing an unnecessary strain on nature and the environment.
Lowered Heated Piglet Nest - Nooyen Manufacturing B.V. Nooyen Pig Flooring
The Lowered Heated Piglet Nest from Nooyen Pig Flooring stimulates the natural behaviour of the piglets and simulates a depression. Litter or bedding powder can be introduced into the depression without causing excessive losses. The slightly perforated surface removes fluids and the nest remains dry and clean.
1190e imp, assistance function "Follow Me" - Weidemann GmbH
With the 'Follow me' assistance function from Weidemann, a Hoftrac autonomously follows its operator to the location of the next job, meaning that the operator has to climb on and off less frequently.
24 September 2024 - EuroTier