Interest in the event is as high as ever and early bookings indicate another successful event will be held.
Following four keynote papers that will look to the future on topics as diverse as the intestinal targeting of nutrients for specific gene expression, the revolutionary road of diagnostics, the latest developments in mycotoxin control and vaccination in the future, the conference will then take a detailed look at topical pig health, nutrition and management issues that are relevant in Asia.

On the health front issues such as nutrition and the immune system, ileitis, lung scoring, prevention of respiratory disease, the cost of immunity, antibiotics as an aid to PRRSV control and intestinal health will all be addressed and when it comes to nutrition the programme includes zinc, feeding boars, organic acids, reducing reliance on antibiotics, multi proteases, selection of enzymes, superdosing of phytase, eubiotics and umami peptides.
When it comes to pig management a variety of issues will be covered including the emerging fumonisin challenge, growing pigs like mushrooms, improving sustainability through genetics, breeding for disease tolerance and AI for farrowing rate and litter size. All the speakers are experts in their own fields and this year they come from over a dozen countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Following feedback from previous Focus Asias, the programmes have been designed to allow more questions and discussion. At $US550 Pig Focus Asia 2014 represents excellent value as the price includes lunches, break time refreshments and copies of the papers provided by the speakers. The up to date programme and booking forms can be seen at and further information on Pig Focus Asia 2014, which is co-hosted by International Pig Topics and VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific Co Ltd, is available from or For companies sending groups of staff as part of their CPD special Group Rates are available.
October 30, 2013 - Pig Focus