In 2009, raw Ibérico de Bellota lomo (loin) and chuletero (ribs) cuts were introduced in the U.S. for the first time. The limited supply of this world-renown pork quickly sold out as word spread that Ibérico de Bellota was available. Because of this success, Bellota Importers is expanding its 2010 wholesale/retail line of the following cuts – the majority of which have never been sold in the U.S. before:
- Carrilleras* – cheeks
- Chuletero de Lomo (loin with back ribs) – popular cuts that only have been available in one restaurant in the U.S. until now
- Costilla (spare ribs)* – the ribs around the thoracic cavity highly prized for its intense flavor
- Panceta* – belly (rind on)
- Solomillo* – tenderloin
- Tocino de Cuello* – fat back excellent for lardo and custom sausages
- Press Contact: Veronica Miller 703-249-8018 veronica@bellotaimporters.com
- Pluma* – a section of meat located at the tip of the spine that is rich in flavor and texture
- Presa de Paleta* – a shoulder steak with a balanced composition of lean meat and fat
- Secreto o Cruceta* – a cut near the ribs noted for its intense marbling
“Ibérico de Bellota allows a chef the creative license to use each and every cut with spectacular results,” says Bill Fuchs, owner of Bellota Importers. “Its marquee status and incomparable taste make Ibérico de Bellota ideal for high-end entertaining.”