Hugh Crabtree has been appointed to the AHDB Pork Sector Council as an independent member. Joining at a particularly difficult time for the pig industry, he believes that a new strategy needs to be developed with all sections of the industry so that the reduced levy income can be spent in the most effective way.
“There remains huge potential in the pork sector and the current crisis should be seen as an opportunity. I am especially interested in getting better use made of available data, and adding value to it, to enable improved utilisation of knowledge we already have,” said Mr Crabtree.

Well-known and respected in the pig industry for over 40 years, Hugh brings a wealth of experience to the post. He has a reputation for involvement in the sector far beyond his commercial interests as a founder director of the innovative company, Farm Energy and Control Services (Farmex), a market leader in ventilation control systems.
An important component of his task is deciding how the levy money is spent to ensure best value is achieved for the levy payer. Better communication, and being more responsive, flexible and innovative should also help to improve the poor perception of the AHDB by prime producer levy payers, he believes.
July 19, 2022 - Farmex