
Farmex: UK pig industry voting vital in face of serious challenges

Hugh Crabtree, chairman of the National Pig Association's Allied Industry Group and managing director of Farmex calls for unified and solid support.

Hugh Crabtree
Hugh Crabtree
4 December 2020

To keep the pig industry competitive, a senior pig industry figure has called for unified and solid support for the National Pig Association (NPA) of the United Kingdom from all sectors, including commercial producers, breeding companies, suppliers, integrators and processors. They all need to work for a common cause at a time of significant change, says Hugh Crabtree, chairman of the NPA’s Allied Industry Group and managing director of Farmex.

“The upcoming NPA elections are vitally important as the industry faces serious challenges. These include possible trade deals following Brexit, African Swine Fever, action by activists, increasing health and welfare regulation, reduction in antibiotic use and stricter standards and compliance. In addition, there is a need to grow pork consumption in the face of a rise in veganism and food competition in the retail sector,” said Hugh.

“We have 67 million consumers on our doorstep, but still import 60 per cent of our pigmeat, much the same as 10 years ago. Per capita consumption also remains pretty much the same at around 24 kg, while poultry consumption has surged ahead, in 2019 amounting to 37.2 kg.” With a reputation for punching above its weight, the NPA has had considerable influence on political decisions. However, the structure of the industry has changed a great deal with more vertical and horizontal integration.

In 2018 there were 10,976 holdings with pigs, compared with 10,729 in 2010, but, with the rise in bed-and-breakfast pig-keeping and the growth of hobby pig-keepers, NPA membership has been falling.

“While the independent commercial pig farmer of old is a dying breed the number of people responsible for the husbandry of pigs hasn’t changed much,” said Hugh. “We will be exposed to the cold winds of international trade, so it is in everyone’s interest to join the NPA and help ensure a vibrant UK industry.”

The NPA is combining its Producer Group with the Allied Industry Group to form the Pig Industry Group (PIG) to improve communication and to represent all sectors more fully. The new group will be made up of 10 producer members and seven allied industry members. “It is therefore very important for all sectors to support this organisation, and particularly, to both nominate members and then to vote,” said Hugh.

December 3, 2020 - Farmex

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