VIV Russia is being organised for the fifth time and it is the biggest in size and numbers of exhibitors so far. This fifth anniversary features official presentations from countries such as China, Italy and France. Feedtech-Croptech will be presented for the first time after the recent successes of this theme at various VIV trade shows worldwide.
Visitors of the Feedtech-Croptech sector will come into contact face to face with leading parties involved in the technology for the production of feed, food ingredients/inputs and fuel. The expected target groups are representing feed mills, management and operators active in processing raw materials for the feed industry, predominantly representatives of the major integrations. The exhibitors focus on the primary processing phases of crops. More specifically, the concept fully covers the production of feed, pre-mixes, pet food, flour, vegetable oil, raw material feedstuffs and (ingredient) foodstuffs, biomass and biofuel products.
Leading companies
Participants in Feedtech-Croptech are worldwide leading companies, Agrotechnology (Russia), Amandus Kahl (Germany), AWILA Anlagenbau (Germany), BDW Feedmill Systems (Germany), Bühler Group (Switzerland), Cargill (USA), CPM Europe (Netherlands), E.S.E. & Intec Midland Companies (USA), Muyang Russia, Ottevanger Milling Engineers (the Netherlands), Prodmash OAO (Russia), TECHNEKS (Russia), Van Aarsen International (the Netherlands, Walinga Inc. (Canada) and Wijnveen (the Netherlands).
Market requirements
The rapidly growing population, rising prosperity and a focus on food safety requires significant investments in milling equipment for the feed and food sectors. The modernisation, expansion and new building of feed mills are being increasingly driven by the scarcity of raw materials. In response to future market requirements the focus is on the ever advancing technological developments. These developments enable a flexible form of output to be achieved, including processing residual products into useful raw materials such as biofuel.
The organisers of Feedtech-Croptech Russia 2011 and VIV Russia are ASTI Group, Russia, and VNU Exhibitions Europe, the Netherlands.