In September 2012 Nedap launched the Pig Performance Testing system onto the Chinese market during VIV China, Beijing. Now - six months later - more than one hundred systems have already been sold, there are many requests for orders in the pipeline and the first containers loaded with Nedap Pig Performance Testing systems are currently being shipped. This Nedap system facilitates independency regarding genetics and optimising breeding lines in China. By using a single technical platform for all the automated solutions in the house, Nedap also offers producers the possibility to follow the pig throughout the chain and to share information concerning the animal and its productivity. Jinluo - which is one of the top three Chinese pork processing companies with a slaughtering capacity of 22 million finishing pigs -, and Nongken - a leading state-owned company in the sow and finishing pig industry in China - have already acquired the Pig Performance Testing system.
Pig Performance Testing system generates interest in China

The pork producing sector in China is taking rapid steps towards professionalisation, which is absolutely essential. Sustained economic growth (GDP: 7.8% 2012) and the ever increasing population are prompting a steadily increasing demand for high-protein food such as pork.
In regard to animal genetics, the country is currently mainly dependent on imports from the USA and Europe. In order to create the possibility of independence in the field of genetics and to optimise the breeding lines within China, the interest in the Pig Performance Testing system is high amongst breeding companies, large farms and institutes for research and education. Moreover, through subsidising the purchase of these systems the Chinese government is supporting the optimisation of pig genetics.
Nedap Pig Performance Testing: a distinct product in the Chinese market
Nedap Pig Performance Testing registers the main factors for the breeding sector: growth and the feed intake. What makes this system unique is the accuracy of data collection. Using individual electronic animal identification, both the feed intake and the individual animal weight data are registered at local level each time the animal visits the station. This information can also be saved on a central server. The system determines the volume mass of the feed. If the feed runs out in the hopper, the system will stop automatically and issue an alarm notification. This Pig Performance Testing system accurately identifies the differences between growth and feed intake among the individual animals. This enables easy and precise optimisation of genetics.
Furthermore, the Pig Performance Testing system is managed via the technical platform which Nedap offers for the entire pig farming sector. This makes it extremely easy to link the various Nedap automation applications within the total chain, and to exchange information about the animal and its productivity: Sow Heat Detection, Sow Separation, Electronic Sow Feeding but also Farrowing Pen Feeding and Pig Sorting.
Following its introduction in China, the unique features of this system immediately resulted in high levels of interest – including from major market players such as Jinluo and Nongken. The first one hundred Pig Performance Testing systems have now been sold and many more orders are currently in the pipeline. The initial container that is making its voyage via sea to China will most certainly not be the last one.
March 19, 2013 - NEDAP