
Grand Valley Fortifiers recall nursery feeds that contained blood plasma ingredients

On February 9th Grand Valley Fortifiers issued a recall and a promise to fully refund our pelleted nursery feeds that contained blood plasma ingredients. This difficult decision was made because they recognized that several of our clients were being affected by the PED virus.

21 February 2014

Grand Valley FortifiersOn February 9th Grand Valley Fortifiers issued a recall and a promise to fully refund our pelleted nursery feeds that contained blood plasma ingredients. This difficult decision was made because we recognized that several of our clients were being affected by the PED virus. When we made that decision there was no conclusive evidence that we were part of the contamination chain, but we acted as quickly as possible to protect our customers and the swine industry. As additional cases have been confirmed over the last week, we now believe that Grand Valley Fortifiers may have received contaminated blood plasma from a major North American manufacturer, and our hearts and prayers go out to all those who are now struggling with us to fight this new and aggressive virus.

From the beginning we have fostered a transparent working relationship with veterinarians and government authorities including The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and The Canadian Food Inspection Agency. They share our goals of containing the PED virus and protecting our swine industry and after the first case was confirmed on January 23rd there was extensive surveillance sampling done on many industry connected sites and businesses. On Friday January 31st, when we first suspected a possible link between the spread of the virus and Grand Valley Fortifiers' customers, we welcomed OMAF staff to swab our delivery vehicles. All fifty five swabs tested negative for PED virus, confirming that our delivery truck bio-security protocols were sound.

On Thursday February 6th Dr. Doug MacDougald from South West Ontario Veterinary Services and the OMAF epidemiological team received new and surprising information from an unrelated incident that the virus may be able to be transmitted through feed. Grand Valley Fortifiers therefore assisted OMAF in gathering seventy six pelleted nursery feed samples and six blood plasma samples for PCR testing purposes. These samples were submitted to the lab Thursday night. On the night of Saturday February 8th, we were informed that five of the six blood plasma samples and three of the seventy six pelleted nursery feed samples tested positive for PED virus RNA. While these positive tests of PED virus RNA did not scientifically prove that the virus was being transmitted through feed, we decided that night to recall the pelleted nursery feeds containing blood plasma and issue a press release the following morning. In subsequent retesting by OMAF it was confirmed that all six blood plasma samples tested positive for the PED virus RNA but all of the pelleted nursery feed samples tested negative. PCR testing of additional samples continues.

We are doing everything we can to work with the government authorities to conclusively determine if our pelleted nursery feeds have been contaminated and unfortunately transmitted the virus to our valued farm partners. Specifically CFIA is engaged in bio-assay analysis in their Winnipeg laboratory where both the pelleted nursery feeds and the blood plasma ingredient are being fed to piglets to see whether they become infected with PED virus.

While experts continue to assure us that the PED virus cannot survive the blood plasma manufacturing process, based on epidemiology, the PED virus may have somehow managed to get through the system. We believe the only sure path moving forward for Grand Valley Fortifiers and the industry is to cease using porcine origin ingredients, including blood meal, blood plasma, pork meal and animal/vegetable oil blends in swine feeds. Instead, we should rely on alternatives such as Natures Blend® pelleted nursery feed and other nursery feeds in the marketplace which do not contain porcine origin ingredients and have proven safe throughout this unfortunate ordeal.

While we have always exercised the highest levels of quality assurance and bio-security, we are looking to develop more policies to ensure our feeds are the safest in the industry. Grand Valley Fortifiers premix manufacturing plants have been free of porcine origin ingredients for more than five years. Effective February 9th, Grand Valley Fortifiers will no longer formulate, have manufactured, or sell pelleted nursery feed that contains porcine origin ingredients. We hope that the entire industry will learn from our situation and join us in this effort.

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