This has been the largest and most numerous edition to date since the World Trade Center welcomed more than 400 specialists in the swine reproduction sector from 38 countries on 5 continents for two days. It ended on the 26th with great satisfaction from the attendees and organizers, but this would have not been feasible without the contribution of 18 speakers of worldwide prestige whose lectures were of great interest for all people attending it. Our deep thanks to all of them.
As usual, the Conferences encouraged discussion and debate with the aim of closing the gap between science, its implementation and its practical application on the farm. This year ITM mainly focused on the “Field experiences applicable to productivity improvement”.

Within this topic, the importance of motility as a marker of sperm quality, the role of the boar in the adoption of new reproductive technologies, markers of fertility and prolificacy in the boar and clinical cases in insemination centers were discussed. To finish the session related to the boar, representatives of some of the main seminal dose production companies worldwide told us the methodology and the particularities of their work systems.

The second day of congress was aimed to the reproductive part of the sow, with topics such as the consequences of insemination with doses outside of quality standards, the key points to achieve reproductive efficiency in the hyperprolific sow and the management of the nulliparous sow. As the previous day, there was a round table, in which great renowned companies in the world of pig production shared with the audience what are their biggest challenges from the reproductive point of view for the next 10 years.
From Magapor, we would like to thank all the attendees for their participation in this swine international event and we promise to work on the next edition to be as successful as this one or even better.
10 de mayo de 2018 - Magapor