This 160 High Health unit is located in the foothills of the Apennines mountain range, half way between Reggio Emilia and Parma, home of excellence for the production of the world famous naturally dried hams “Parma Ham”. The location of the site was chosen as it is an area of very low pig density.
The unit is stocked with 130 Large White and 30 Duroc sows. These pedigree registered bloodlines were selected, following continued trials and evaluation within the total Hermitage maternal line pyramid, from families which have demonstrated an excellent balance of characteristics for the Parma Ham production system [highly efficient growth and feed conversion performance levels on farm combined with the optimum meat and fat quality required for the high quality Parma processing system].

The following three genetic lines will be produced on this unit and will be available from early 2013 for the Italian market.
• A purebred Large White (“H- Line”)
• A Large White X Duroc (“BM” Line)
• A “BM” X Large White (“OMEGA” Line)
Only the top 5% of the above mentioned lines will be selected for entry into the Hermitage Italia AI Station in Reggio Emilia “Centro Verri Italia”.
All of the three above mentioned lines have been tried and tested on the Italian market through a very close relationship and collaboration with the largest privately owned pig production group in Italy, the Bompieri Group. This group has a production base of more than 10,000 sows, for which Hermitage Italia manages the development of the Maternal line genetic program utilizing the Hermitage Closed Herd BLUP program. Hermitage also manages the development of Bompieri’s Terminal line program through a continual on-farm testing program supported by a specific “PARMA TLI” BLUP based selection program.
November 5, 2012 - Hermitage