
HKScan and Lantmännen join forces to safeguard the competitiveness and continuity of Swedish pig production

HKScan and Sweden’s Lantmännen have initiated a strategic partnership offering innovative feed solutions and advisory services to Swedish pig producers.

3 June 2014

hkscan.gifThe strategic partnership between HKScan and Lantmännen will kick off in a pilot phase involving selected Swedish pig farms over the coming weeks. The producers will be offered new feed solutions and related strategic and operative expertise. HKScan will additionally provide expert advisory services related to livestock production and farm productivity. The project’s goal is to pool the expertise and experience of HKScan and Lantmännen to support the stable, profitable, long-term survival of Swedish pig production.

“The competitiveness of Swedish pig production has declined in the wake of tougher international competition and significant growth in meat imports. Our ability to offer local, high-quality, responsibly produced meat raw material is a unique competitive edge we wish to bank on going forward,” says Aki Laiho, COO of HKScan. “This is among the reasons we are committing resources to support Swedish primary production. We are confident that our Swedish brands and concepts such as Rapsgris® (rapeseed-fed pork) and Piggham® will continue to offer unique added value to Swedish consumers, retailers, the HoReCa industry, HKScan and Swedish pig producers.”

“We hope our project will support Swedish pig producers and that we can contribute to safeguarding the survival of stable, profitable livestock production on their farms. Our partnership pools the wide-ranging experience and expertise of HKScan and Lantmännen, which covers the entire chain from feed production right through slaughtering and production to consumers’ plates,” says the Head of Lantmännen's Feed and Fertilizer Division, Johan Andersson.

HKScan and Lantmännen are in the process of launching collaboration with the selected farms taking part in the pilot phase of the project.

HKScan’s Swedish Rapsgris® (rapeseed-fed pork) offers an outstanding example of a product based on a unique feed innovation. Product development related to the Rapsgris® concept is ongoing.

June 3, 2014 - HKScan

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