
Hog Slat, Inc. opens new Michigan location

Hog Slat announces new store location in Michigan to serve swine and poultry producers.

4 September 2019

Hog Slat, Inc., a globally recognized livestock equipment manufacturer and supplier, announces its new store opening in Three Rivers, Michigan this fall.

Hog Slat plans to open the new 6000 square foot store, located at 1200 William R. Monroe Blvd., on September 16th. The store will carry a full line of production equipment for swine, poultry, and turkey producers featuring Hog Slat’s exclusive line of GrowerSELECT ventilation and feeding equipment.

“We are excited about the opportunity to be a resource for swine and poultry producers in this area,” says Alan Riley, Hog Slat’s National Retail Manager. “Hog Slat places a lot of emphasis on stocking repair and replacement parts for existing equipment to reduce a producer’s downtime.”

September 3, 2019 – Hog Slat, Inc.

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