
HOGISTICS™ gives producers a new edge in finishing management

HOGISTICS™, a new tool enabling pork producers to more accurately predict optimal market hog weight and weight distribution, is now available from Zoetis.

9 May 2014

Zoetis.gifHOGISTICS™, a new tool enabling pork producers to more accurately predict optimal market hog weight and weight distribution, is now available from Zoetis. Hogistics uses a farm’s historical production data to provide more precise information for making more accurate marketing decisions so pork producers can capture more profit.

“With this knowledge, producers can plan pig flow six to eight weeks out and more efficiently plan pig placements,” explained Chad Grouwinkel, Senior Manager, Pork Productivity Solutions, Zoetis. “With HOGISTICS, you know when your market hogs will reach their optimal market weight window with a significantly higher degree of accuracy, which helps maximize profitability.”

HOGISTICS is a technological advancement over current tools that predict market weight. Existing technology doesn’t account for many variables that impact the growth rate of market hogs over time.

HOGISTICS is an automated, data driven, predictive analytic model that more accurately predicts market hog weight, weight distribution and mortality by weeks on feed. It acts like a producer’s own production system, taking into account an operation’s unique history, events and growth patterns. Beyond enabling producers to make more-informed marketing and pig flow decisions, HOGISTICS also measures the impact of important production events, such as adding dietary fat or a vaccine to prevent disease.

“HOGISTICS allows you to test scenarios and see what changes can mean to your bottom line before you actually implement them,” Grouwinkel said. “HOGISTICS is a unique system that helps producers maximize revenue and net profit.”

Producers using HOGISTICS are not required to input any data. It’s designed for use with current organized production data systems. The weekly market weight prediction reports can be accessed online and are in an easy-to-read spreadsheet format. Zoetis also provides support to help producers fully utilize all the benefits from HOGISTICS.

May 8, 2014 - Zoetis

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