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Hypor Magnus earns top marks in Hickory Ridge trial

Best pork; lowest cost. In any recipe for Total System Profitability, those are key ingredients. That may explain why the Hypor Magnus stole the show in a recent terminal sire trial at Hickory Ridge Research and Consulting against our biggest global competitor when it comes to the sire line.

Hypor Magnus
Hypor Magnus
25 January 2018


Converting less into more

When it comes to the keys for successful pork production, feed conversion is king. Feed accounts for 70 per cent of production costs, and the Hypor Magnus is the best. In the Hickory Ridge Trial, the two lines had a similar average daily gain (ADG), but the similarities ended there. The Magnus achieved that gain with a lower average daily feed intake, resulting in a lower feed conversion ratio. This is a significant step in the dynamic pork business, where producers seek every edge they can get. As you seek to compete on a global scale, improving feed conversion makes all the difference in the world.

Subtracting fat and adding value

Another area where the Hypor Magnus excelled in the trial was leanness. Though carcass weight was comparable to Competitor X, the Hypor Magnus had less backfat, making the carcass more valuable to the slaughterhouse and the producer.

Topping up your bottom line

The Hypor Magnus showed off its strong qualities in the trial, but for producers and processors, it’s all about the numbers, and that’s where this sire line really shines. It starts in the barn with lower feed intake and competitive growth, which led to average savings in the trial of $3.52 CDN (€2.93) per pig. And it continues at the slaughterhouse, where the leanness of the Hypor Magnus brought an extra $8.32 CDN (€5.62) per pig. Through lower input costs and higher output at the plant, the Magnus puts more money in producer pockets.

Excelling at every stage, in every way

To be part of the Hypor family, you must deliver total system profitability, and as the trial results showed, the Magnus fits right in. “At every part of the process from barn to store shelf, the Magnus makes you money,” said Dr. Emily Miller, product manager with Hypor. “Lower costs help the producer, and higher meat quality helps the processor or slaughterhouse.”

Going faster and farther

This may have been one trial, but it’s also part of a pattern for Hypor and their customers. As Dr. Miller points out, “Hypor has been making faster genetic progress over the last few years and beating the competition in a number of trials. We seem better able to select the elite, high performing animals with superior meat quality, which explains why our customer base is growing.”

For the Magnus, this trial showed that it continues to improve, and the data confirms to Hypor’s geneticists that they’re on the right track. In an industry where there’s always an appetite for “more” and “better”, the Hypor Magnus has the key ingredients: better feed conversion, leaner carcasses, higher quality and lower costs. Now THAT’S a recipe for success.

January 24, 2018 - Hypor

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