Five out of the top ten indexing producers supplying hogs to Maple Leaf Foods, in Brandon Manitoba, Canada, use Hypor Magnus Duroc semen according to Hams Marketing Services’ Top 10 List for the month of June 2016.
Each month Hams Marketing Services, Western Canada’s largest hog marketing organization, ranks the quality of pigs from Manitoba and Saskatchewan-based hog producers marketing to Maple Leaf Foods. Maple Leaf Foods is Canada’s leading consumer packaged meat company.
“Producers using the Hypor Magnus Duroc and the Hypor Libra sow, consistently rank in the top 10,” says Hypor Canada sales manager Chris Tokaruk. He adds that “five of the farms listed in the top ten for index in April and six of the farms listed in May, use the Hypor Magnus Duroc semen in their operations.”
Carcass quality takes into account the health, lean percentage, loin depth, meat percentage and the proportion of pigs sold that meet the target carcass weight. “Hitting the grid results in higher indexes and often higher margins for the producer,” Tokaruk says. The definition of carcass quality is based on current consumer demand for traits like the leanness of pork.
“The carcass grading system helps meat packers market uniform products by offering incentives to producers that supply pigs fitting their criteria,” Tokaruk explains. “The Hypor Magnus Duroc does a very good job of meeting this criteria due to its ability to produce a lean carcass at a heavy market weight—the average weight for Canadian market pigs is around 129 kg and is increasing.”
Tokaruk explains that the Hypor Magnus Duroc benefits all areas of the pork chain: on the farm, at the packing plant, and on the consumer’s plate. “The Hypor Magnus Duroc is developed to meet the demand for high quality pork at the lowest cost of production,” he says. Recent independent trials show that the Hypor Magnus outperforms competing Duroc and Duroc-cross boars in both live performance and carcass quality.
“This is a win-win-win—for producers, packers and consumers!” Tokaruk says. The Hypor Magnus Duroc is one of the most popular terminal lines used in Canada, and it’s growing in popularity on the American continent and elsewhere due to its excellent cost of production and its ability to produce a high quality end product.

August 2, 2016 - Hypor