
Hysolv launches cost-effective cleaner

A new, highly efficient and cost-effective cleaner for animal housing, veterinary clinics and food processing industries has been launched by animal health specialists, Hysolv.

22 July 2021

Alkaliene, a fast-foaming, non-corrosive, first-stage cleaner, can be used at concentrations from 1:320 to 1:50 (0.3 to 2 per cent) to cut through biofilm on hard surfaces, equipment and vehicles before final disinfection. Applied by foaming lance or knapsack sprayer at low pressure, it is left for 15 minutes before being pressure-washed off.

“A good cleaning product is as important as a good disinfectant as you can’t normally disinfect through dirt,” said Hysolv director, Jim Bigmore. “Alkaline cleaners work by reacting with acids found in dirt and dung to neutralize and cleanse. Alkaliene is very versatile and cost effective, not only due to its lower price per litre, but also because of the different dilution rates that can be used.”

Depending on the concentration used, 25 litres of Alkaliene will produce from 1,250 to 8,000 litres of ready-to-use solution. It is competitively priced with discounts for quantities.

July 21, 2021 - Hysolv

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