Colibacilosis in weaned piglets and starting fattening period is a persistent and growing problem. A good diagnosis can be the key to solve diahorrea and Oedema disease outbreaks.
There exist a great quantity of E coli, but not necessarily all of them are pathogens, as are an important part of the intestinal flora. Its detection not always provides an useful information for the solution of the case.
Mainly there exist two big groups of pathogen E coli, the ETEC (entero-toxic) and STEC (Shiga or Vero toxin producers). Each group produces different toxins and can present different adhesion factors, even with different combinations, which will make them more or less virulent.
Nowadays a user friendly and fast new diagnostic allow the detection of virulent E coli and their factors in faeces, providing a valuable and useful information about the type of E coli involved in the intestinal flora of the herd, increasing the accuracy of the diagnostic and helping to design a safer, more efficient and sustainable strategy to control and prevent Colibacilosis outbreaks.
For more information about this diagnostic please contact Dr Verena Gotter (

April 17, 2014 - IDT