Europe’s animal health industry, represented by IFAH-Europe, bids a warm welcome to Mr Xavier Prats Monné in his new position as Director General of DG SANTE.
The most essential legislation currently residing within DG SANTE is the revision of the rules governing veterinary medicines and medicated feed. This revision aims to increase the availability of veterinary medicines, improve the internal market, stimulate innovation and competitiveness, reduce administrative burden and discuss the use of antibiotics in animals.
We are at a vital time in our industry sector with this legislative revision. Now is the time to undertake steps that will allow greater availability of much needed veterinary medicines by encouraging innovation for our companies. Ensuring Europe remains a hub for new product development and research is essential to preventing and controlling animal diseases. The animal health industry in Europe expects that this new EU legislation will safeguard not only animal health and welfare, but also public health and the environment.
Moreover, we believe that, as an industry, the animal health sector can provide valuable input in most policy areas under development by DG SANTE, such as food safety, animal welfare and public health. One example for greater cooperation could be our joint efforts to tackle antibiotic resistance.
Keeping in mind the Europe 2020 strategy for growth we look forward to working with Mr Prats Monné. We hope he shares our goal of ensuring that this important revision of the Regulation will reduce the barriers currently hindering investment in research and development, with the aim of stimulating innovation to increase the competitiveness of the animal health industry in Europe whilst ensuring the health and welfare of Europe’s animals.

September 4, 2015 - IFAH Europe