Indonesia has been mentioned to be the main force of the world economy. Indonesia's current position in the big 16 of the world is predicted to get into in the big 7 in 2030. The result of McKinsey Global Institute analysis was presented by an expert in agribusiness from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Arief Daryanto, on the occasion of "Kick-off ILDEX Indonesia 2013", which was held in Jakarta (24/10/12). Arief said, in that year, about 71% of the population in urban areas would be accounted for 86% of gross income (GDP) nationwide. Indonesia's population 240 million in 2011 is estimated to reach 280 million in 2030. Indonesia’s current trade amounting to $ 0.5 trillion is expected to reach $ 1.8 by 2030. It is making Indonesia a lucrative market. The combination of tremendous population and economic growth becomes an attraction to the increasing demand for livestock products.
"As incomes rise, consumer preferences will shift from carbohydrate-based foods to protein-based foods," said Arief. Consequently, livestock industry will develop into a business area which grows rapidly in Indonesia.
In the meantime, Chairman of Federation of Indonesian Poultry Society (FMPI), Don P Utoyo, highlighted the consumption level of animal protein in Indonesia, which is still very low. Chicken consumption has just reached 7 kg/cap/year, eggs 86 eggs/cap/year, beef 2 kg/cap/year, and milk 7.64 kg/cap/year.

Don added that the government together with the players in poultry has set a chicken consumption target of 14 kg/cap/ year in 5 years’ to come. "We are determined to make it double," he added. Efforts to boost consumption to a significant figure when earnings are on the increase, and the population is so big will result in a big demand for livestock products. Therefore, to meet the demand, it requires investment accompanied by intensive and sustainable promotional efforts.
Actors in the livestock industry, along with the government, should strengthen the domestic industry. As part of food security, it is a must for domestic livestock industry to master the technology from upstream to downstream, making them so efficient and competitive that domestic markets are not flooded with products from abroad. This was confirmed by Chairman of United of Organisations National Chicken Farmers (GOPAN), Tri Hardiyanto. "It takes a technological transfer, and inevitably we have to learn from countries that have been more advanced in technology," Tri said.
ILDEX (International Livestock and Diary Expo) Indonesia was initiated to meet these demands. On the one hand, the modernization in livestock industry is to produce efficient, hygiene, safe and affordable products so as to meet domestic needs. On the other hand, ILDEX Indonesia aims to educate the public about the importance of animal protein intake for health and intelligence of Indonesian people, which will also boost the level of national consumption of animal protein.
The first event with the theme "Preparing Quality and Affordable Food of Animal Origin" will be held from October 3 - 5, 2013. Located in Jakarta International Expo (JIE) Kemayoran, it occupies an indoor area of 3994 m2 and an outdoor area of 1950 m2. It is expected not less than 5 thousand visitors from home and abroad will enliven this series of events. Products and technologies in the field of livestock from upstream to downstream will be on display.
Fitri Nursanti, the organizer of ILDEX Indonesia 2013, explained that this activity has more values than the other exhibits since it packs 4 activities at the same time. In addition to fair trade or B to B exhibition, ILDEX Indonesia expo 2013 is coupled with the government expo which becomes a means for the government to deliver programs and achievements in the field of animal husbandry and animal health.
October 31, 2012 - VNU exhibitions