
ILRI takes action to stop the spread of ASF in India

The International Livestock Research Institute has been working with the Indian government address the recent ASF outbreaks in the northeast.

RHoMIS survey by Livestock CRP in Son La Province, Vietnam (photo credit: ILRI/Tu Mai)
RHoMIS survey by Livestock CRP in Son La Province, Vietnam (photo credit: ILRI/Tu Mai)
1 September 2020

African swine fever has spread to nearly 51 countries across the globe and continues to wreak havoc with countries facing significant socio-economic losses in the current situation. In July, OIE working in collaboration with FAO launched the initiative for global control of African swine fever through the FAO/OIE Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Disease (GF-TAD). The call for action asks for a long-term commitment by the countries affected to address this global disease threat through determined national efforts that require multi-sectoral and multi-institutional cooperation.

In India, where African swine fever outbreaks have been reported in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) scientist , Ram Pritam Deka, has been working with the Government of Assam Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department to address the recent outbreaks of African swine fever in the northeastern state of India. ‘We are working with the government to carry out epidemiological investigations in domestic and wild pigs in Assam, support biosecurity improvements in small, medium and commercial farms and building capacity to supply quality piglets to smallholders for rejuvenation of the pig subsector after the outbreak.’ Deka is also working with the government of Assam in community awareness campaigns to improve hygiene in smallholder pig systems to reduce the spread of the disease. The government is supplying disinfecting agents to pig producers to enhance hygiene practices in farms.

August 14, 2020 - ILRI

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