
Iowa Pork Industry Center to offer PQA Plus® advisor recertification session

Tthe session will be taught by ISU animal science and veterinary medicine faculty members who are certified PQA Plus® trainers.
16 November 2010
People who become certified as Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Plus® Advisors under the National Pork Board's PQA Plus® program are required to recertify every three years. That means those certified during the initial training period in 2007 need to complete a recertification training and testing session in 2010. The Iowa Pork Industry Center (IPIC) at Iowa State University (ISU) has scheduled a recertification session for Dec. 9 in Ames.

James McKean, IPIC associate director and ISU Extension swine veterinarian, said the session will be taught by ISU animal science and veterinary medicine faculty members who are certified PQA Plus® trainers.

“The session is limited to the first 30 participants who preregister and pay the recertification fee of $50 per person,” McKean said. “Preregistration is strongly encouraged to ensure the new PQA Plus® materials will be available for each participant, so no walk-ins will be accepted.”

The session is filled on a first received, first accepted basis, so people should submit their preregistration and payment as soon as possible. The preregistration form is available online at http://www.ipic.iastate.edu/PQAPRecert1210.docx It also is available by fax by calling Jane Runneals at IPIC at 515-294-4103.

Iowa Pork Industry Center

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