IPIC extension program specialist Colin Johnson said that while the conference will offer information for owners and operators, others in the industry can benefit from attending.
“This is a conference that will offer a lot of useful information for lots of folks,” he said. “Veterinarians, swine industry stakeholders, production employees and contract growers all will find knowledge they can use.”
Johnson said James McKean, ISU Extension swine veterinarian and IPIC associate director, will speak on two topics: “PRRS Control Strategies and Regional Projects” and “Pig Production after the Removal of Growth Promotion Drugs.”
“Jim’s presentation on PRRS will include tools to reduce impacts, eliminate the virus and minimize opportunities for reinfection,” Johnson said. “He’ll also talk about Draft Compliance Policy Guide 209 and potential impacts on pork production, and offer suggestions and strategies for reducing impacts of losing growth promotants.”
Other speakers are Ron Ketchum of Swine Management Services, speaking on “Benchmarking Sows and the Post-Weaned Pig,” and local ISU Extension swine program specialists who’ll present timely information on ventilation management and the scheduling of a ventilation trailer for on-site training workshops.
This year’s dates of March 8-11 follow the same schedule and will be at the same respective locations as in 2010, and all sessions run from 1 to 4:30 p.m. There is no cost for those preregistered at least two business days prior to each location date. Walk-in registration is $5 per person, payable at the door. More information, including a link to the program brochure, is available on the IPIC Web site at www.ipic.iastate.edu/events.html To preregister, people should call IPPA at 800-372-7675 or 515-225-7675.
Program dates and locations are as follows.
* Tuesday, March 8, Sheldon, Northwest Iowa Community College, 603 West Park Street, Building C Auditorium.IPIC was established in 1994 as a coordinated effort of the colleges of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Life Sciences) and Veterinary Medicine at ISU. Its mission is to promote efficient pork production technologies in Iowa, maintain Iowa's pork industry leadership and strengthen rural development efforts. IPIC focuses its efforts on programs that are integral and complimentary to ISU Extension. Through IPIC, Iowa producers receive accurate and timely information to make their operations more efficient and profitable.
* Wednesday, March 9, Carroll, Carrollton Inn, 1205 West U.S. Hwy 30, Suite C.
* Thursday, March 10, Nashua, Borlaug Learning Center, 3327 290th St.
* Friday, March 11, Ainsworth, Marr Park, Hwy. 92