IPVS2020, also known as the 26th Congress of the International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS), has new dates: November 3 to 6, 2020, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With this change, the IPVS2020 Scientific Committee opened a new opportunity for scientists around the world to submit their latest work on contemporary pig farming, adding to the approximately 800 papers already received.
The submission deadline for scientific papers is June 15. Those interested may submit their unpublished papers on the following topics: viral diseases, parasites and parasitic diseases, bacterial diseases, immunology & vaccinology, food safety, reproduction, biosecurity, genetics, antimicrobials, welfare, nutrition, clinical cases, miscellaneous, production & innovation, and herd management. The guidelines for the preparation and presentation of abstracts are available here.

"Known as the most important scientific and technical event of the swine industry worldwide, the IPVS traditionally receives abstracts from the main universities and research institutes in the world, which allows participants to draw an overview of the investigations that are currently being carried out and thus project which technologies and innovations will impact more strongly the way pork is produced, the most consumed meat in the world", highlights the IPVS2020 Scientific Committee Chair, Roberto Guedes.
Further information about IPVS2020 Rio de Janeiro is available at www.ipvs2020.com.
June 1, 2020- IPVS