Meet the needs of the global swine sector and bring innovation. These were the guidelines for the IPVS2022 Pre-Congress schedule, which took place on Tuesday, June 21, starting the official schedule of the 26th edition of the event, which runs until Friday, June 24, at RioCentro, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil.

Recognized as the most important scientific event in the world swine industry, IPVS2022 marks the return of the congress to Brazil after 34 years, bringing together more than two thousand people. “After two years of hard work to get this congress off the ground, the result reinforced the support of the entire swine industry for the event. We realized the scientific advance of the activity, which even with the pandemic, has not stopped evolving”, highlighted the president of IPVS2022 Fernanda Almeida.
The event, whose theme is “New perspectives for swine farming: biosecurity, productivity and innovation”, comprises 26 sessions spread over four days of the event. On the first day, participants had access to the Pre-Congress schedule, a novelty in IPVS Congresses, which brought up topics such as reproduction, use of antimicrobials, health, immunology and vaccinology, nutrition, well-being, African Swine Fever (ASF), among others.
One of the highlights of the day was the agribusiness session. Unprecedented in the IPVS history, the panel brought together industry leaders, who sought to create a solid alliance between science and agribusiness in order to build bridges between the two poles of the production chain. “We have included the 'Agribusiness' panel in our programming because we understand that we need to prepare in a holistic way, that is, combine theory and practice so that we can succeed in productive results”, declared the director of institutional relations of IPVS2022, executive director of agriculture and sustainability of JBS/Seara and president of Sindicarne, José Antônio Ribas.
Nutrition was another prominent topic at the Pre-Congress, today the major bottleneck in the production chain due to the high costs of inputs. “Brazilian swine farming is very important in Brazilian agribusiness, producing 14.329 million tons, third place in the world ranking and exporting 4.610 million tons, which guarantees the first place on the podium in the international business of this protein. To further improve the productive efficiency of the farms, it is necessary to seek the continuous evolution of feed conversion, seeking better indices to generate a more positive economic performance”, explained the president of IPVS2022.
Innovative format
Prepared according to the needs of the new normal, the Brazilian edition of IPVS2022 was prepared in a hybrid and democratic format, where the lectures are offered with simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Over the next three days, the congress continues with its schedule of lectures, covering topics such as bacterial and viral diseases, vaccinology, antimicrobials and animal welfare. “Basically, the content presented reflects the scientific demand of the world swine industry”, says Fernanda Almeida
In addition to these sessions, delegates will have access to the results of the abstracts selected by the examining board. “We will have presentations and a space where the posters will be housed, so that everyone can check out the latest in terms of solutions for the swine sector”, says the president.
With regard to the Business Fair, the organization of the event celebrates the adhesion of the main companies in the sector. “We received support from exhibitors, who will make IPVS2022 a showcase to promote their products and services. This, in addition to conferring reliability to the event, shows the potential of Brazil in the world swine industry”, she concludes.
June 21, 2022 - IPVS