Ixiongreen Nanotechnology has developed a new feed premix (IXIONFEED) based on zinc oxide with 150 ppm of zinc for the control of diarrhea in weaned pigs replacing the use of 3100 ppm of zinc oxide. An innovative solution developed using nanotechnology, which is effective against diarrhea and improves gain/feed ratio. Furthermore, Ixionfeed can be used throughout development of the animal because contains nutritional levels of zinc.
Control of diarrhea post-weaning using doses of 3100 ppm of zinc oxide is a common practice in intensive pig farms. However, the administration of zinc oxide at high doses for a long period of time can cause problems in the animal, slow growth, intoxication by the accumulation of heavy metals. As well as environmental problems due to the excretion of large amounts of heavy metals in slurry, contaminating soil, groundwater, etc. For these reasons the development of a new formulation as a substitute for zinc oxide at 3100 ppm is required. Ixiongreen has developed a new premix for pig feed with nutritional doses of zinc, 150 ppm. This premix acts in the intestine of piglets improving and helping the development of the intestinal flora controlling the growth of pathogenic bacteria, thus avoiding diarrhea post-weaning in the same way as 3100 ppm of zinc oxide. This premix has been developed with nanotechnology as an effective tool to get a functional product against post-weaning diarrhea respectful of the environment, with nutritional levels of zinc, without adverse side effects, cheap and can be used in all stages of life of the animal.

The new premix is designed for swine feed with double action, antidiarrheal and reduce levels of mycotoxins for weaned piglets to 20-22 kg.
- Avoid post-weaning diarrhea and improvement of metabolic conditions.
- Elimination of the use of medicated zinc.
- Compliance with the requirement of zinc as a food additive.
- Reduction of the zinc in slurry.
- Reduction of cross-contamination by heavy metals in feed production.
- Improvement of gain/feed ratio, daily feed intake and daily gain.
- There is no legal restriction of use, can be used throughout the full life of the animal.
- Mycotoxin reducing agents against broad spectrum: aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin and deoxynalenol.
Comparative trials between new formulation with nutritional levels of zinc and medicated zinc were performed with two homogeneous groups of 400 animals to check the efficiency of Ixionfeed.
Gráfico 1. % de incidencia de diarreas por semanas a partir del destete.
Gráfico 2. Comparación del peso medio del grupo (kg) al destete y a las 3 y 5 semanas post-destete.
In conclusion, at phatalogical level Ixionfeed acts in the same way as doses much higher with only 150 ppm of zinc controlling and preventing postweaning diarrhea. Ixionfeed have not adverse side effects, medical prescription is not required and there is no legal restriction of use. It can be used throughout the development of the animal because load of zinc oxide is nutritional. In addition as the animals are not overexposed of high amounts of zinc, animals develop healthily and with better gain/feed ratio than the animals treated with 3100 ppm of zinc oxide. Finally a reduction of zinc of slurry associated with lower intake of zinc is produced, which leads to a reduction in the contamination of soil , groundwater , etc.
This study was conducted by the company Ixiongreen Nanotechnology, and was performed in collaboration with Livestock Service of La Rioja and La Grajera Regional Laboratory of La Rioja.
Ixiongreen Nanotechnology, SL
May 29, 2014 - Ixiongreen