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JBS announces the acquisition of a pork processing plant

The pork processing plant is located in the city of Seberi, state of Rio Grande do Sul and belongs to Adelle Indústria de Alimentos Ltda.

29 April 2019

JBS communicates that its controlled entity Seara Alimentos Ltda. signed, on April 25, 2019, with Adelle Indústria de Alimentos Ltda. and other guarantor parties, a Sale and Purchase of Assets and Other Adjustments’ Agreement to acquire a pork processing plant, including its integration system, located in the city of Seberi, state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The acquisition price of the assets is R$ 235 million and will be paid by Seara as follows: (i) R$ 80 million through a transfer of the Frederico Refrigerated Pork Plant, located in the city of Frederico Westphalen, state of Rio Grande do Sul; (ii) R$ 115 million through debt assumption; and (iii) R$ 40 million in local currency.

The conclusion of the transaction is subject to the approval of the Brazilian Antitrust Authority, amongst other usual conditions.

April 26th, 2019 - JBS

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