
JMAFF Approves Pfizer Animal Health’s IMPROVAC as Safe and Effective for Pigs in Japan

Pfizer Animal Health announced it will begin to expand Japanese veterinary experience with IMPROVAC, Pfizer’s successful pork production technology embraced by pig farmers in other countries for more than 10 years.
22 February 2010
Pfizer Animal Health announced it will begin to expand Japanese veterinary experience with IMPROVAC, Pfizer’s successful pork production technology embraced by pig farmers in other countries for more than 10 years. The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery (JMAFF) has approved IMPROVAC as safe and effective for use by veterinarians in pigs throughout Japan.

“In the months ahead, the experience gained with IMPROVAC by a group of veterinarians and swine producers will enable Pfizer to support veterinarians throughout the country more effectively when IMPROVAC becomes more widely available for prescription in late 2010,” said Yukihiro Takemoto, Livestock Business Unit Director, Pfizer Animal Health, Japan.

Pfizer plans to train and assist veterinarians and their pork producer clients on the proper use of IMPROVAC to help them maximize the value that it can deliver to their operations.


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