
JSR launch 'Faster Finishing' boar

Pig and Poultry Fair 2012 will see the launch of a keenly anticipated new Sireline, the ‘faster finishing’ JSR Geneconverter 800m Boar, by leading global pig breeders, JSR Genetics.

10 April 2012

JSR GeneticsPig and Poultry Fair 2012 will see the launch of a keenly anticipated new Sireline, the ‘faster finishing’ JSR Geneconverter 800m Boar, by leading global pig breeders, JSR Genetics.

Bred specifically for speed of growth, JSR Geneconverter 800m progeny are up to 3 days faster to finish, giving an extra 5 kilos for those wanting more weight at the end of the production cycle. In JSR’s nucleus units the top 10% of animals are consistently achieving 100 kilos in 120 days with weaning-to-finish growth rates well in excess of 900 g/day.

The new Sireline, whose development is a result of JSR’s international breeding programmes and advanced development technologies, is also a response to direct customer demand.

“We enjoy very close links with our customers,” says Dr Grant Walling, JSR Genetics Managing Director, “and had become aware that for many, faster growth – so reducing days to slaughter – is a real priority that’s not being adequately met.”

With their genetic development programmes continually developing new lines, JSR have been able to focus on traits that have now delivered market leading products.

“We are always seeking new products, and constantly have new innovations in the pipeline,” says Stephen Waite, Head of Science for JSR Genetics. “It means we have been able to focus on providing new genetics that we believe will provide these much needed traits for producers. Interestingly, it was by looking at the early growth stages, often neglected, that we have been able to achieve such remarkable results.

“We now have a new, very exciting boar that is exceptionally fast growing. The animals that we are selecting from on our nucleus farms are consistently exhibiting exceptional growth.”

Faster Finishing Boar

JSR Geneconverter 800m – top 10% nucleus performance

  • 100 kilos in 120 days
  • 40 kilos in 63 days
  • 630g/day from birth up to 40 kilos
  • 1320 g/day in the 40-91 kilo growth stage
  • 900 g/day from weaning to finish

“630 g/day is remarkable growth in small piglets,” adds Dr Walling, “making the JSR Geneconverter 800m ideal not only for producers looking for quicker returns but also those wanting to improve productivity by getting more kilos in a set period of time. Our commercial trials on GC800m progeny have confirmed the ability of these genetics to consistently deliver outstanding results on farm.”

Commercial progeny trial data

  • Birth Weight: 1.81 kg
  • Weaning Weight: 9.32kg
  • Weaning Age: 27.60 days
  • Weight at Slaughter: 106.20 kg
  • Days to slaughter: 151.64

The new ‘faster growing’ JSR Geneconverter 800m boar will now take its place in the JSR Sireline range alongside the JSR Geneconverter 700, the choice for feed efficiency; the JSR Geneconverter 600, chosen for carcase yields and the Geneconverter 500 which gives exceptional meat eating quality.

The benefit of JSR research and development is that each and every candidate line – whilst bred to focus on individual characteristics – is subject to all of the breeding technologies that JSR have invested in.
“Every breed routinely undergoes (IMF) scanning to determine subcutaneous fat, muscle and intra muscular fat percentages and also CT scanning to ensure large yields in the most profitable cuts,” confirms Dr Walling. “They are also tested for feed efficiency in our custom built FIRE (feed intake recording equipment) testing house.

“For the JSR Geneconverter 800m, this means that good grading, very competitive feed efficiency figures - and of course, being robust, healthy and easy to handle – have all been delivered alongside its key strength of strong growth and fast finishing. That’s where it really excels.”

Recommended for use with the JSR Genepacker 90 for indoor production units, or outdoor producers with a predominantly white genetic makeup, JSR Geneconverter 800m genetics will be available only from JSR AI studs with a limited opportunity to purchase boars for AI collection on farm.

Visitors to the Pig & Poultry Fair are invited to visit JSR’s stand to find our more about the new JSR Geneconverter 800m – including how it tastes! Bacon rolls and sausages sandwiches, provided by the Geneconverter 800m - will be available.

Meet the JSR team and find out more about the new JSR Geneconverter 800m at the Pig & Poultry Fair, 15 & 16 May, 2012 on JSR Stand 98 in Hall 02.

April 5, 2012 - JSR Genetics

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