The MTF Calculator, requiring a few easily accessed values – tonnes of feed purchased, animals sold and their average deadweight – quickly generates an accurate MTF figure and an explanation of what the figure means. Producers can use this information to monitor unit profitability and, if necessary, improve efficiency. It also allows them to compare their figures with other producers and, based on levels achieved, the calculator provides advice from JSR’s technical team.
“We feel that the MTF Calculator will prove a real asset for all producers,” says Dr Grant Walling, JSR’s Director of Research and Genetics. “Performance targets such as 25 pigs per sow come as a result of sound genetic improvement, but the true measure of unit efficiency is cost of production, i.e. how much does it cost to produce a kg of saleable meat?
“With feed now at 60 - 65% of input costs, and volatility continuing, producers need to be able to calculate the impact of rising feed costs on their profitability. MTF even takes into account mortality figures and feed wasted, which is harder to do with more complex Feed Conversion Ratios (FCR). Most importantly, MTF uses values that are easy to collect on a busy, working unit: no weighing of individual animals by hard pressed staff. The work is done in the office, not out on the unit, using standard paperwork supplied by external parties - feed invoices and slaughter house returns.”
As a resource on JSR’s website, www.jsr.co.uk, the MTF Calculator is designed to be incorporated within commercial farming systems as a routine management tool. Producers who have already trialled the calculator have continued to use MTF to monitor on-going improvements.
“In a recent JSR commercial herd, using Geneconverter 700 genetics on Genepacker 90 sows, 1754 tonnes of feed was used for 6799 slaughter pigs with an average of 85.0kg deadweight. The 578,000 kilos of pigmeat gave a highly respectable MTF of 329kg” continues Dr Walling. “JSR work towards a commercial target of 325kg, a figure that will rise as more efficient boar lines are introduced.
“Commercial producers using modern genetics should be aiming to achieve an MTF figure of 300kg. The MTF calculator highlights that whilst modern genetics are absolutely essential, what happens on farm is crucial in fulfilling that potential. We believe this calculator will encourage producers to measure their success by comparing their MTF results, analysing their systems and more importantly identifying where improvements can be made.”
For more information about JSR Genetics and to use the MTF Calculator visit www.jsr.co.uk

JSR Genetics Ltd