
JSR targets Taiwan

JSR has reaffirmed its keen interest in working with pig producers in Asia by signing a franchise contract with Evabiotech Ltd of Er Lun County in Taiwan, at Pig Focus Asia in Bangkok.
15 April 2010
JSR, one of the world’s leading pig genetics businesses, has reaffirmed its keen interest in working with pig producers in Asia by signing a franchise contract with Evabiotech Ltd of Er Lun County in Taiwan, at Pig Focus Asia in Bangkok.

The signing, taking place between Paul Anderson, JSR’s International Sales Director and Dr. Te Chung Wang, Director of Evabiotech Ltd, a consultancy specialising in pig nutrition and genetics, marked the culmination of a four day visit to Taiwan and Thailand by Mr Anderson and Dr Grant Walling, JSR’s Research and Genetics Director.

“Asia is a strong, expanding market,” says Paul Anderson, “and genetic quality is the absolute bed-rock for that success. We wanted to experience the market first hand, believing that is vital for shaping our future strategy. Indeed, it confirmed that the animals that we have helped select for Evabiotech will offer the specific reproductive ability, robust health and meat eating quality that the local market demands.”

The contract, giving Evabiotech the JSR franchise for the entire Taiwan region, is based on impending shipments of JSR Genepacker Dams and JSR Geneconverter 500 Sires. “JSR’s Genepacker Dams are healthy and prolific,” says Dr. Te Chung Wang, “and we particularly value their docile natures. As for the boars, which will go into our AI stud, the Taiwanese market favours succulence and JSR’s Geneconverter 500s combine optimum backfact with robust growth. Also, in such a critical business initiative, we value the on-going technical support of JSR, helping ensure that we fully realise our investment in market leading genetics.”

“Our visit to Taiwan also highlighted the value of utilizing local producers’ knowledge,” confirmed Paul Anderson. “It is vital in achieving the genetic potential of animals and also helps us to determine future developments. We are now aiming to introduce the JSR Geneconverter 600 into this market: the lean meat content of its carcase will help reduce the local cost of production. We are always actively seeking new partners and hope to make some more excellent contacts at the series of JSR Seminars that we have arranged, from June onwards, throughout Taiwan, informing local pig producers about the benefits of JSR Genetics.”


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