The collaboration took off this November in Bangkok when the two partners got together for a technical and marketing training session, before organizing a seminar with their local clients. Twenty-two sales managers from South East Asia gathered in Bangkok to be put up to speed with the technical aspects, latest research, trials data and applications of Lallemand ‘field led, science supported’ probiotic and yeast-based solutions for profitable and sustainable animal production. In addition, they received marketing and communication information and tools to help the promotion of these products on the Asian market.

In recent years, the animal production market globalization, coupled with the withdrawal of antibiotic growth promoters in certain countries and food and feed safety concerns, has driven the market of probiotics and yeast cell walls products to enhance livestock performance, health and hygiene in a natural way.
Jebsen & Jessen Chemicals/NutriLife SEA will distribute Lallemand’s range of feed additives developed for poultry, swine and aqua feed, including:
Levucell® SB (S. cerevisiae boulardii I-1079) , the most documented probiotic yeast used in sows and piglets,
Bactocell® (Pediococcus acidilactici 18/5M), a specific lactic acid producing bacteria developed for swine and poultry
Selenium-enriched yeast Alkosel®, a source of highly bioavailable selenium that contributes to maintain immune and reproductive functions.
Agrimos®, a premium quality yeast cell wall product with consistent, high Mannan Oligosaccharides content.