Lallemand Animal Nutrition was present as exhibitor during VIV trade Show held at Bangkok from 13th till 15th March 2013. The show was an event for Lallemand to exhibit the latest developments from Lallemand in Poultry , Swine and Aquaculture segment. Lallemand has been growing at fast pace in Asia and the product performances are well appreciated by many customers in Asian region. During the show Lallemand briefed to its customers and many important companies in Asian region on how Monogastric specific yeast LEVUCELL® SB can help to improve performances in monogastrics in overcoming the stress at different stages of life cycle. The efficacy of LEVUCELL ® SB in Swine and poultry as effective tool to prevent enteropathogens was main focus of discussion. Lallemand also presented Alkosel an organic selenium source and its quality and production standards. Bactocell a first probiotic approved for Aquaculture in EU was focus of discussions and generated many interests for applications in various Aquatic species in Asia. Lallemand with a team of 6 product managers and marketing managers was well represented to provide information to clients in Asian region.

April 24, 2013 - Lallemand