Lallemand Animal Nutrition took an active part in the EAAP Annual meeting in Nantes, the European rendezvous of animal science, both as a Gold sponsor and through scientific contribution. Several delegates from the company represented the ruminant and monogastric R&D teams. Such event illustrated perfectly Lallemand commitment to the advancement of animal research.
In this scientific meeting dedicated to animal production in Europe, probiotics and microbial solutions were well represented:

- A poster presented by Terré et al. from Spanish Research Institute IRTA showed that Lallemand probiotic yeast (SC I-1077) could improve young calve growth performance and reduce acidosis around weaning. Improved calf performance has positive consequences on heifer and lactation.
- Several sessions on Gut health and Gut microflora in monogastric species with renown speakers (Mick Bailey, Univ. Bristol, Richard Ducatelle, Univ. Ghent, Hauke Smidt Univ. Wageningen, Jean-Paul Lallès, INRA, etc…). Crosstalk regulation between the gut microbes, gut physiology and host immune system was the main concern of all speakers.
- In an “Industry session” focused on feed additives, about half of the papers were related to feeding live microorganisms to cattle, piglets or rainbow trout.
EAAP is the annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science and the major European scientific congress on animal production with more than 1400 scientists from 64 countries. The 2013 session was hosted in France, in Nantes.
November 14, 2013 - Lallemand