The first one was organized on July 15th 2013 to Yangxiang’s distributors and customers (Yangxiang is one of the leading swine feed supplier in China). About 90 attendees participated to this seminar. David introduced European piglet feeding systems and feed additives used in the different phases for digestive security, especially those used in France. He emphasized the importance of specific nutrition requirements of prestarter period and focused on feed intake in the post-weaning phase. He also demonstrated the effect of environmental factors on feeding effect.

David Guillou was presenting piglet nutrition to Yangxiang’s clients.
The second seminar was held on July 16th to LAN China’s local distributor Changsha Bangte Biotechnology Inc. Around 50 nutritionists from 14 large feed mills and 4 large swine farms could listen to David’s presentation on modern sow nutrition and probiotics’ benefits. David also illustrated the different effects of nutrient dense diets and heat stress on either sows or piglets, and the positive effects of LEVUCELL® SB during heat stress periods.
David Guillou was presenting the benefits of LEVUCELL® SB on sows to nearly 50 nutritionists in Changsha.
The 2 seminars have generated very positive feedback from the attendees and some of them already started to use or evaluate LEVUCELL® SB in their swine feed formulations.
September 5, 2013 - Lallemand