In Vietnam, the ILRI-led Livestock and Fish research program focuses on smallholder pig value chains. As part of the planned activities for 2013, ILRI organized a stakeholder consultation workshop in Hanoi on 22 March 2013 (see wiki for more information).
Lucy Lapar and Seth de Vlieger from ILRI’s Hanoi office wrote this report on the meeting.

The workshop aimed to identify a short list of priority research sites that fit the characteristics of three target value chain (VC) gradients: Rural to rural (R2R), rural to peri-urban/urban (R2U), and peri-urban to urban (U2U).
A set of GIS maps were presented to the stakeholders for discussions; these identified the list of provinces that met the thresholds for the geographical targeting (pigs, poor people, market access) and the VC gradient classification (% of province area that represent each VC gradient type). See Table 1 below and the presentation showing the GIS maps.
Participants were divided into four groups to discuss some soft criteria to be applied for prioritizing the proposed list of provinces under each type of VC gradient. The inputs from a diverse field of expertise and the participants’ intimate knowledge of the country and its different socio-political and economic dimensions highlighted a variety of perspectives, fostering an atmosphere for open and informative discussions.
At the plenary where each group was represented by a leader who presented their set of priority site selection criteria, the recurring elements that stood out as important according to the stakeholders were 1) the expressed willingness by the political leadership to engage with ILRI and its collaborators, 2) the potential for building synergies with development and other ongoing initiatives, and 3) dynamism that will enable the capture of temporal and spatial changes in the process of transformation and better contextualize the dynamics across the different VC gradients.
April 7, 2013 - CGIAR