The Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock (CIEL) is a step closer to becoming reality following confirmation that the bid has reached formal interview stage.
The application to create a world-class centre for livestock science in the UK remains in the process to secure Government funding under the AgriTech strategy, with an independent assessment panel describing it as a strong proposal.

Having got to this stage, potential investors from the beef, dairy, pig, poultry and sheep sectors are being urged to attend an industry workshop at The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) near York on 5 June. The meeting, which is open to the whole supply chain, from genetics and genomics companies through to retailers, will give industry the opportunity to input into the future of the bid and what CIEL will look like.
“This will be the largest investment in agricultural research infrastructure in the UK for decades, therefore it’s essential that the industry is engaged in making this proposal a success.” said Andrew Knowles, head of technical for AHDB’s Pork division BPEX.
Andrew, who is co-ordinating the bid on behalf of the CIEL consortium, added: “CIEL has already received support in principle from more than 80 companies and nearly 30 industry organisations. We’re now keen that as many livestock sector representatives as possible attend the workshop on 5 June and help determine the future direction of the proposal.”
May 29, 2015 - AHDB