
Ludwik Apolinarski named new managing director of DLG AgroFood (Poznan/Poland)

The supervisory board of DLG AgroFood Sp.z.o.o. (Poznan/Poland), a subsidiary of DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society, Frankfurt am Main), has appointed Ludwik Apolinarski as its new managing director with effect from 1 April 2009.
20 April 2009
The supervisory board of DLG AgroFood Sp.z.o.o. (Poznan/Poland), a subsidiary of DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society, Frankfurt am Main), has appointed Ludwik Apolinarski as its new managing director with effect from 1 April 2009. He succeeds Dr Georg Mosch, who retired at the age of 65. Mr Apolinarski will be responsible for coordinating DLG activities and DLG events in Poland. DLG intends to continue expanding its activities in Poland in the areas of trade exhibitions, agricultural work and testing activities. Ludwik Apolinarski and his team will be responsible, among other things, for the Opolagra agricultural exhibition in Polska Nowa Wies (district of Komprachcice near Opole) and AgroTech in Minikowo (near Bydgoszcz), as well as DLG Club Poland, the DLG Farm Management Conference and all matters in Poland relating to the flagship exhibitions Agritechnica and EuroTier.

Ludwik Apolinarski (52) worked for a number of years at the Polish subsidiaries of BASF and John Deere where he helped to shape the sales and organisational structures. He has spent the last four years as sales director at John Deere Polska.


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