The sessions, organized by Magapor Technical-Veterinary Department headed by its Manager Juan Luis Úbeda, were given by speakers of international prestige in the area of artificial insemination; Sergi Bonet (TechnoSperm Research Center), Darwin Reicks (Minnessota Swine Veterinary Center, USA), Manuel Toledo (Technical Service of Juan Jiménez García), Lorenzo Fraile (CReSA), Marcello Marchesi (Technical Service of Martini group, Italia), José Antonio Esteban (Technical Manager of Comapor AIC), Yahya Dahmani (Magapor R&D Dept.), Raquel Ausejo (Magapor Technical Service) and Isaac Huerta (Magapor Area Manager in the USA) and dealt will different important subjects for daily work in AICs, from morphoanomalies of spermatozoa, pharmacological concepts of antibiotic use on semen, the fight against bacterial contamination, bacterial control in ejaculates, biosecurity in AICs and boar specific nutrition needs, which were of high interesting for everyone.
The lectures lasted a whole day and were closed with a fellowship dinner for all the attendants.
