The tote facility is housed in a newly built room within the plant and is equipped with technology that enables zero cross contamination risk. All raw materials are bar coded and checked throughout the manufacturing process using state-of-the-art traceability and tracking features.

The dry powder blending plant produces premixes, meals and minerals to supply directly to farm for home mix, to merchants, wholesalers, distributors and feed compounders. Quality control is assured and cross contamination minimised through automated process control, bar coded raw materials and batch traceability.

“We now have a highly efficient and up-to-date plant that goes beyond the required legislative requirements and offers high quality assurance to our customers,” says SCA NuTec managing director Mark Cole.
Part of the global Provimi company that has 87 production plants in 30 countries, SCA NuTec has two manufacturing sites in the UK. This latest development is part of a restructuring of the UK operation that consolidates animal nutrition activities at Dalton and the production of animal health products at its Lichfield site.
“Provimi is committed to the UK business and to the SCA brand – a brand that is synonymous with speciality young animal feed worldwide,” adds Dr Cole.
Despite its global reputation, Provimi is keen to keep production of SCA product close to its core market – the majority of production from Dalton is for the UK market and export to north west Europe.
“Products from the new plant can be produced to customers’ specifications and we can offer great flexibility in production. The tote plant, for example, has packing options from five to 25kg bags through to 1000kg tote bags, and the new blending plant is capable of producing 20,000 tonnes of premixes and minerals a year in a single eight-hour shift.”
The new plants have been installed and commissioned in an intensive 14-week period. “Downtime was minimised to just two weeks and we avoided any disruption to product supplies throughout, thanks to the forward planning and commitment of our production team,” says Dr Cole