The Pork Industry Awards, formerly known as the Swine Stewardship Awards, recognize excellence in Manitoba’s hog industry. The awards are presented to individuals, groups and organizations that have made significant contributions to the industry.
The following three awards were presented as part of MPC’s annual general meeting in Winnipeg yesterday:
• EDUCATION AWARD – Dr. Karin Wittenberg, of the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, received this award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the hog industry through her tireless efforts to make research accessible and meaningful for all.
• FRIEND OF THE INDUSTRY AWARD – Farm Credit Canada received this award in recognition of 50 years of outstanding contributions to the hog industry through the financial support of Manitoba’s hog farmers and investment in their communities.
• INNOVATION AWARD – David Rourke, owner of Hog Hill Farms in Minto, received this award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the hog industry in pioneering a strong integrated farming model and developing new varieties of feed wheat for the benefit of all producers.
“When producers across Manitoba are facing difficult times, it’s important to keep in mind that good things are still happening,” says Karl Kynoch, MPC chairman. “The folks we celebrate with these awards are making very important contributions to our industry.”
MPC represents the province’s 900 hog producers, who focus every day on caring for their animals, producing quality pork and protecting the environment.