A total of 2.463 million tonnes of feed. That’s the amazing estimated saving that could be made if the feed conversion of all the 246.3 million pigs finished in the EU was improved by just 0.1, reducing feed consumption by about 10 kg per pig. The value of this would be over 819 million Euros.
This message is directed at European pig farmers by Matthew Curtis, managing director of British-based pig genetics company, ACMC, in advance of the EuroTier exhibition in Hanover, Germany (11th-14th November). “The importance of efficient feed conversion cannot be over-estimated,” he said.

“With pig prices coming under increasing pressure, this is one of the factors that individual pig producers can control on their own farm. We know this figure is feasible as UK data suggests big differences are still seen between herds depending on such factors as genetics and housing.
“Feed is the largest cost factor in pig production and, while great strides have been taken in recent years, not enough is being done. In our experience many farmers still do not have an accurate feed conversion figure for their pigs and this is something that should be addressed,” he added.
Mr Curtis also pointed out that, while prospects for feed supplies look reasonably good, pig producers would be well advised not to rely too heavily on continuing low feed prices — political events and changes in climate have been shown to be extremely fickle!
24 October 2014 - ACMC Ltd