Merck Animal Health today introduced Circumvent® PCV-M G2 - a porcine circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae combination vaccine. The new vaccine is the only one-dose or two-dose, ready-to-use combination with five-month PCV2 duration of immunity, which is 25 percent longer than any other PCV2 vaccine on the market.
"The added four weeks of immunity that Circumvent G2 brings means better protection in late stages of production where the loss of pigs approaching market weight can be devastating," says Brad Thacker, D.V.M., M.B.A., Ph.D., Merck Animal Health senior technical services veterinarian. "Now we're able to provide this protection in combination with M. hyo in an easy-to-use, one-bottle solution, which offers producers significant benefits."

The ready-to-use Circumvent® PCV-M G2 vaccine is the second product in the next generation of Circumvent G2 vaccines. The Circumvent G2 family of vaccines offers one- or two-dose options, giving producers and their veterinarians the flexibility to choose the dosing protocol that best fits their operation's needs. With the two-dose option, producers can administer the first vaccination to piglets as early as 3 days of age, which helps get them off to a stronger start. Having the ability to vaccinate at such an early age also offers the added convenience of working smaller pigs that are easier to handle and less stressed, and this process can be completed by some of the operation's most trusted and capable pig handlers who commonly work in the farrowing barns.
To help producers tailor their vaccine protocols to the needs of their individual operation, Merck Animal Health provides an online vaccination planning tool to help determine which Circumvent G2 option is right for them. In addition, they can learn more about how these vaccines can have a positive impact on their operation's bottom line with the help of the Circumvent G2 savings calculator.
To learn more about Circumvent PCV-M G2 and Circumvent PCV G2, visit
January 17, 2014 - Merck Animal Health