METEX NØØVISTAGO R&D team has been more than involved during the 15th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, in Rotterdam, from the 17th to 20th of May. Indeed, METEX NØØVISTAGO has organized a satellite symposium opening the congress and has published 5 scientific studies covering several nutritional strategies, all done in partnership with long-standing research partners (INRAe, BARC, Bologna University, SFR).
William Lambert, Scientific and Technical Manager for METEX NØØVISTAGO explains: "We do consider DPP as a major scientific congress when it comes to swine nutrition. We felt it was a perfect opportunity to deliver the scientific work which confirm our current technical approaches, but also preparing the future with some more fundamental R&D work. This satellite symposium, in addition to the oral communication and the poster presented, goes into that direction”.

Lowering crude protein and functional amino acids, two concepts for one gut health objective.
Looking at the scientific results presented during the week, it’s relatively easy to distinguish the two directions described by William Lambert. First, the symposium is digging into some fundamental R&D works regarding the understanding of amino acid transport and sensing in relation to feed intake and performance. In parallel, published posters explore some new possible solutions (ex: glutamine and glutamate combination), or some new applications (functional amino acids and sow immunity). All those works will be definitely the building blocks of next round of innovation within METEX NØØVISTAGO approach for swine digestive physiology.
At the same time, some results confirm and validate the existing technical concepts. Tristan Chalvon Demersay, Innovation and New Products Manager, comments: “Our strategy regarding piglet gut health is dual: lowering the crude protein of piglet diets to “decrease the pressure” all along the gut and supporting gut health with our functional amino acids-based solution inneus®. Then, the presentation of Nathalie Le Floc’h added another great piece of scientific information regarding that new product and its ability to help piglet facing a sanitary challenge. Finally, on the other side, the trial made with Schothorst Feed Research is a perfect confirmation of the low crude protein diet concept, validated at two SID lysine level.”