Mexico is experiencing an increase in wealth, which has a direct result on meat consumption and corresponds to a growing demand for feed and related products and services. The country is working hard to improve and increase its own production in order to reduce its high imports. In the agricultural sector this provides opportunities in the entire supply chain, with the focus on genetics, machinery & equipment, vaccines, feed, premixes, vitamins and additives. VIV Worldwide and the Mexican Partner FIGAP are tapping into this booming market by organizing the international trade event for animal production FIGAP/VIV Mexico 2012, which is held from 17-19 October in Guadalajara.
Mr. Piet Simons, Ambassador of the Dutch Poultry Centre: “Mexico is one of the focus countries for the animal husbandry sector. The country counts 115 million inhabitants and is ranked 5th on the world list for both poultry meat and egg production. Also the pig and dairy sector are of significant importance.”

Mr. Paul Broekema, Vice President of Walinga Ltd.: “Mexico is an emerging growth market, with prospects eager to move forward with innovative technologies and know how. It is the first country to enter into the large Latin American Market and has no or minimum trade barriers.”
FIGAP/VIV Mexico 2012
Mr. Jos Janssen, Area Manager Americas for Ottevanger Milling Engineers: “The exhibition FIGAP/VIV Mexico 2012 is a good marketing tool to improve brand awareness for Ottevanger at this stage.”
Mr. Marvin Wastell, President of Gromaster Ltd and Representative for Nedap Agri: “This event will definitely help with future sales.”
Mr. Wayne Kemerink, Director of Dutrion,: “The FIGAP is of course another great opportunity to show your companies’ profiles and products. I also think that if you show the Mexican industry that you can work together as companies, this will create respect, and will also explain some of the success the Dutch Agriculture achieved. The Dutch Pavilion at the exhibition is a great example and opportunity to do so.”
VIV network
Mrs. Gabrielle Nuytens-Vaarkamp, Dutch Agricultural Counselor in Mexico: “VIV offers a broad network of Dutch and foreign companies that are interested in doing business with Mexican companies. By cooperating with VIV, FIGAP gains international experience in organizing fairs. Mexican companies are offered a new or alternative range of foreign contacts and an easy way to enter into new markets that are already served by VIV with their exhibitions in China, Asia, Russia, Europe, etc.”
For more information:
30 November 2012 - FIGAP/VIV Mexico 2012