Nanta has launched Watson® onto the Spanish Market. Watson® is the only simulation software capable of predicting in an extremely precise manner the technical and economic impact of the changes in feeding, management and environment in the swine production. Watson® reaches the FINEST SOLUTION among all possible scenarios. Thanks to Watson® the farms profitability improves without taking unnecessary risk by having simultaneously and effectively into account the following aspects: the specific management and feeding of the farm, the health status and genotype of the pigs, the fix and variable costs, the market price, and also the slaughterhouse grading grids. All this considering the specific objectives of each producer: to maximize the growth, the margin over feed cost or net margin; minimize the feeding cost per pig, per kilogram of growth or the excretion of nitrogen or phosphorus.

Therefore, Watson® facilitates the decision making because it’s able to analyze many solutions in only a few minutes, which prevents the farmer from embarking on an expensive trial and error process.
Nanta organized the presentation of this new prediction model in Catalonia Atocha Hotel on January 16th, in order to introduce it into the Spanish Market. About 140 people attended, mainly swine producers from all over Spain and Portugal. We also were fortunate to have the presence of Esperanza Orellana, General Deputy Director of Livestock Products (Ministry of Agriculture), and also Miguel Ángel Higuera, Director of Anprogapor (Spanish Association of Swine producers).
Pedro Cordero – Marketing Manager Nanta – and Carmen Martín de Lara – Communication Manager – presented the event. Beginning with a brief introduction to explain why we are so sure that Watson® will be a basic assisting tool for the future of swine farms. Manuel García Lorenzo – Nanta Commercial Director and General Director of Inga Food – was next to intervening and reviewed throughout an interesting presentation the swine sector in Spain and what it represents. He also stressed the importance of the production of protein and the challenge ahead of feeding 9,000 million people in 2050.
Following that, Carlos Martin Moreno – Pig Product Manager in Nanta – took part to explain the attendees why Watson® is truly an innovative tool and how it can help the swine producers to make decisions affecting their business. He insisted on how Watson® avoids taking unnecessary risks, providing a simulation platform to perform all the trials, and how from its predictions it is possible to decide the more suitable option. The experience of 9 years of using this software in Canada guarantees an accuracy of 96% in the predictions. The speaker also invited the swine producers to contact the technical support services of Nanta who, once known their objectives, they may propose customized solutions based on Watson simulations.
To conclude the round of speeches, Jordi Blasco – Inga Food Integration Manager in Catalonia – introduced Compi-porc, the perfect complement of Watson®, a benchmarking tool for those interested in Watson®, who may confidentially compare fattening and post-weaning results with reference groups from the database, getting opportunities to improve their own production system.
Interspersed during the presentations we also had the opportunity of watching a number of videos made up in Canada and starring by Michael Vignola -Swine Technology Application Center Director of Nutreco in Canada - who briefly and in an entertaining way explained the participants the Canadian experience, both personal and in the market, of more than nine years of experience working with Watson®.
Finally, Manuel García Lorenzo put an end to the conference, and emphasized the importance for Nanta in bringing innovative solutions for the Market which allows the producers to become more efficient every day. After that, all the participants headed to the La Capilla de la Bolsa Restaurant where a cocktail was held.
January 16, 2014 - Nanta