
New AB Neo video makes it easy for Axcelera-P pig farmers to measure the enhanced performance in their own pigs.

AB Neo has created a 2 minute step-by-step animated video to make it easy for pig farmers to see for themselves how easy it is to measure the extra profit that can be achieved by the  accelerated growth rates from Axcelera-P.

21 January 2015

AB-Neo.gifAB Neo has created a 2 minute step-by-step animated video to make it easy for pig farmers to see for themselves how easy it is to measure the extra profit that can be achieved by the  accelerated growth rates from Axcelera-P.

Paul Toplis, Technical Director (Swine) commented, "Axcelera-P has been shown consistently in academic trials and supported by many commercial pig farmers to accelerate lifetime performance, delivering heavier pigs or an earlier slaughter. Our Accelerator technology is so new that we wanted to make it as quick and easy as possible for all pig farmers to measure the enhanced performance that can be achieved. Pigs are the best judges of any product and with the help of this video, we want every producer to see the accelerated growth for themselves.

We are used to seeing innovations that lift performance on poorer performing farms having little or no effect on high performing farms, but one of the many benefits with the accelerator technology is that it lifts performance in both low and high performing farms.

Axcelera-P is simply offered up to weaning with significant weight increases being achieved 3-5 weeks after weaning when growth really does start to accelerate. These results can then be extrapolated to demonstrate the total weight and performance gains through the lifetime of the pig. The short 2 minute video is our way of making it easy for pig farmers to run their own trial and see how extra profit from accelerated growth rates can be achieved in their own pigs."

An Axcelera-P trial lasts only about 8 weeks with farm trials showing that it produces significantly faster growth performance in the post weaning nursery accommodation. Some producers may wish to run the trial for the full 21 weeks to measure the total lifetime value of Axcelera-P – in one academic trial producing an extra 4.3kg at slaughter.


See the video here

January 20, 2015 - AB Neo

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