
New application rate for Econase XT in laying hens and pigs for fattening published

As the most heat resistant xylanase, Econase XT has shown efficacy in broilers, laying hens and pigs, giving benefits across a wide range of feed ingredients in terms of feed efficiency, performance and cost savings.

10 December 2018

A new EU application rate has been approved for AB Vista’s Econase XT xylanase. Following submission of additional data and a thorough review by EFSA, the European Commission has now published an amended version of the annex, reducing the minimum dosage of Econase XT for laying hens and pigs for fattening. This means that users in the EU can now apply Econase XT in feed for laying hens at a level in line with that normally recommended across the world.

December 5, 2018 - AB Vista

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