New Zealand pork producer Chris Trengrove has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork, replacing Sam McIvor as the Board representative of Essential Participant, New Zealand Pork.
Formerly CEO of NZ Pork, Mr McIvor resigned from the Board on February 28, after leaving NZ Pork to take up a position with a private meat business in NZ.

New Zealand pork producer Chris Trengrove has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork.
Announcing the appointment, Pork CRC Chairman, Dr John Keniry, said he expected a smooth transition, as Mr Trengrove has been a Director of NZ Pork for the past 15 years and was Chairman for nine years.
“Aside from owning and running a 450 sow piggery for the past 30 years in partnership with wife Judith, Chris has other impeccable credentials for a new Pork CRC Director, including a decade working in banking, five years chairing the R&D Committee of NZ Pork and five years on the Massey University/NZ Pork Consultative Committee.
“Significantly, Chris was also very supportive of NZ Pork’s initial decision to join the Pork CRC at its inception in 2005,” Dr Keniry said.
Paying tribute to Mr McIvor’s contribution since his appointment to the Board of the former CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry in June 2006, which transitioned last year into the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork, Dr Keniry said he brought much more to the table than just the interests of trans-Tasman pork producers.
“Sam frequently brought a fresh outlook to Board discussions, offering a perspective based on an excellent understanding of industry dynamics, in particular how quality R&D, if consistently industry focussed, could enhance the lot of producers.
“Although there are obvious synergies between Australia’s and New Zealand’s pork industries, including a shared and uncompromising commitment to high animal welfare standards, a robust exchange of intelligent ideas is always welcome and I expect this will continue to be the case with Chris Trengrove,” Dr Keniry said.
The Pork CRC Board comprises Dr John Keniry (Chairman), Professor Robert van Barneveld, Mr Rod Hamann, Mr Brian Halstead, Professor Simon Maddocks, Professor John Pluske, Dr Hugh Wirth, Mr Kenton Shaw, Mr Andrew Spencer, Ms Kathryn Adams and Mr Chris Trengrove.
The four research programs of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork are:
Confinement free sow and piglet management
Herd health management
Healthy pork consumption
Carbon-conscious nutrient inputs and outputs
March 26, 2012 - Pork CRC