With a world tour that visited 20 countries, the TOPIGS nutrition team has introduced the new feeding manuals for TOPIGS sows. This intensive knowledge distribution reached 700 feeding specialists in just 6 months. They have all received the latest information about the most efficient way of feeding TOPIGS sows and the requirements the feed must satisfy.
TOPIGS main objective was to provide information that enables pig producers to gain the maximum benefit from the genetic potential in TOPIGS genetics. High and rising feed costs are one of the major challenges facing pig production. The answer is efficient production that maximises the amount of meat produced per kilo of feed. The feeding manuals are an important tool for realising this objective.
At the end of 2011 TOPIGS introduced new feeding manuals for its sows. These new recommendations are based on the latest information about the specific nutritional requirements of TOPIGS sows. This makes the recommendations in the manual specific for TOPIGS genetics.
With a production of over 1.1 million crossbred gilts and 7 million doses of semen per year Dutch based TOPIGS is one of the biggest genetics suppliers in the world. In several countries, TOPIGS is either the market leader or one of the major suppliers. TOPIGS stands for progress in pigs. This means research, innovation and genetic improvement are the cornerstones of our company. By continuously improving our products, we enable our clients to achieve maximum results.

August 27, 2012 - Topigs