A new pig building ventilation guide is available for producers to download from the AHDB Pork website and hard copies will be available on request.
It aims to help pig producers provide optimum living conditions for pigs, thereby improving production efficiency, through a better understanding of the principles of ventilation and types of system available.

AHDB Pork’s environment and building research coordinator, Susan Rabbich, says: “A well-managed and efficient working ventilation system will draw fresh air into a building and remove stale air, which will contain a proportion of microbes, dust, harmful gases and water vapour.
“This process helps to improve the overall housed environment for pigs and a system that is effectively circulating air can have a positive impact on health and performance which, ultimately, can help improve the bottom line.”
However, she notes that when systems aren’t working effectively it can be detrimental to pig and staff performance, particularly on hot days, and cost more to run.
“This is why we’ve created the technical guide. It’s a resource that can help producers understand how their ventilation systems work.
“What’s really nice is that it features producer case studies. Farmers can relate to the problems other producers have encountered and learn how to overcome them.”
The importance of maintaining ventilation systems is also covered and Mrs Rabbich highlights the new ventilation videos that are also available via the AHDB Practical Pig App and website to support the guide.
“The short videos are presented by livestock ventilation specialist Tim Miller and cover a variety of topics, including building and fan maintenance and cleaning, alarms, temperature lift and temperature sensors.”
To view the videos on a PC or laptop, producers should visit practicalpig.ahdb.org.uk and to download the app, free, for smartphone or tablet computer, go to play.google.com or www.apple.com and search for AHDB Practical Pig App.
March 1, 2016 - AHDB